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Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 8 Car Wash

This Saturday, June 8th, is a joint car wash for Devil Pups along with the Explorer Scouts at Hilltop Car Wash on St. George Boulevard, next to Dennys on the Hill.  The wash is from 9 a.m. to noon.  Col. Toole may arrive late; he is the installing officer for the Marine Corps League meeting being held at the Abbey Inn the same morning.  As soon as installation is over, he will go directly to Hilltop.  If he is not there when you arrive, check in with Steve Handy (he is the one you should give your envelopes of ticket sale money to) or Oscar Garcia.  Both Steve and Oscar are Devil Pup mentors.  We are told that another group has accidentally been scheduled at the car wash for the same day.  Be sure to check in with the Devil Pup group!