2013 Devil Pup Graduates!
Here’s an opportunity for you to say thank you to some of
your most interested sponsors. The Utah
Dixie Marine Corps League sponsored Devil Pups this year in the amount of
$1,000, plus several Marines worked hard at the rummage sale and car washes and
PFTs. Col. Toole would like as many Pups
as can possibly make it to come to the monthly breakfast meeting of the Utah
Dixie Marine Corps League at the Abbey Inn next Saturday, August 10th. Breakfast there is incredible – everything you
could want to eat – and it’ll be free to you and your parents.
Be prepared to speak a few words of thanks to the Marines
who have sponsored you. They want to see
you and hear about your experience, find out what you liked most and what you
liked least. Most of all, Col. Toole
would like you to say a big thank you to them for sponsoring Devil Pups. We know a lot of you are busy and have school
commitments, but this way of saying thanks to the Marines will go a long way
towards donations in future years.
Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9:00
a.m. It doesn’t look like a very long
program this month – no special speaker – just some organizational things to
do, so after you have been introduced and given your thanks, you do not have to
stay for the rest of the meeting.
The Annex of the Abbey Inn is the building immediately to
the right of the main Abbey Inn. It is a
conference center for the Abbey Inn, just across the parking lot. The address is 1129 So. Bluff in St. George.
Please support Col. Toole in this. Wear your Devil Pup uniform and be sure to put the challenge coin in your pocket. Tell these retired Marines how much it means to you that they are interested in your future.
Please send Donna Toole an RSVP so the Abbey Inn will know how many place settings to set up. dtoole (at) sunrivertoday (dot) com.