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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rummage Sale Success

The weather was perfect, all Devil Pup candidates turned out to assist and worked like crazy people selling goodies, assisting buyers and arranging tables.  Good job, Candidates!!  Kudos to Jim Haney, Devil Pups Rummage Sale Organizer Extraordinaire! Many "friends of Devil Pups" showed up with rummage and 13 candidates were there working their hearts out, taking in over $1500 towards summer camp!  Several of the Devil Pup "mentors" from Utah Dixie Detachment assisted in loading, unloading, setting up and sales.  Couldn't have done it without them!  Southern Utah Devil Pup mentors are Jim Haney, Larry Mineer, Bill Veltkamp, Jan Veltkamp, Thomas Veltkamp (2014 Devil Pup), Les Covey and Billion Johnston.  Here are some photo ops from the day.

 Who wouldn't want to buy from these cuties??

Soon after opening.

A heavy sale!

Another heavy sale.

 Lin's Market Parking Lot.

Biggest sale of the day!