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Thursday, June 23, 2016

What to Wear????

Mandatory attire to arrive at Devil Pup camp is white T-shirt (no logos), blue jeans, white sox and tennies.  You carry one bag with tape on each side with your name on both sides.  You should look like this:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

2016 Winning Candidates

The following Devil Pup candidates have been selected for 2016 summer camp:

TJ Charter
Josh Mathis
Logan Miller
Spencer Salisbury
Jeff Stouffer
Braxton Summers
Sayuri Catalina
Taysia Tate

We trust that you will continue to build your scores from now until camp time to make your camp experience even better!

For those who worked out but did not make the final cut, you are more than welcome to continue working out with the successful candidates so you can be more ready for next year's try-outs. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Preparing for Camp

If you do not already have hiking books for Devil Pup camp, now would be a good time to get them and get them broken in.  Here is a photo of a boot that is a good camp boot – you will need protection for ankles with all the activities at camp. Watch for sales at Big 5 - don't buy heavy boots that won't "breathe" - they will get a lot of wear at camp. Wear them every day for two or three hours to break them in.  
As for the rest of your packing, please see this list on the Devil Pup website:

Parents:  If you have not already made reservations or have family or friends to stay with for graduation, please make your reservations now.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Tuesday PFT 21st

Corporal Lewis will be back on Tuesday at 0700 at DSU and wants to have another very important PFT on that day.  Several candidates have improved so much and we are very proud of you.  Keep up the good work.  By Thursday, June 23rd, Corporal Lewis will announce those who will be going to camp on the 21st of July. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Final Qualifying PFT Saturday, June 18

Southern Utah Devil Pup Candidates - your final PFT is coming up on Saturday, the 18th.  We have seen quite a bit of improvement from your hard work.  We now have four males and two females who had shown they have what it takes.  Keep up the good work and wait for the big announcement!  Thank you Les Covey, Billion Johnston and Jan, Bill and Thomas Veltkamp for your guidance, perseverance and encouragement.

Monday, June 13, 2016

PFT coming up for Devil Pup Candidates

Training continues this week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:00 a.m. at DSU.  The final PFT will be taken on Saturday the 18th, so those candidates who have made the grade will know that they are going to camp.  Here are the test results we've seen so far.  (Keep in mind that scores must be a minimum of 250 points.)



As you can see, so far two females and one male are within the points needed to attend camp.  Are you working out at home between training sessions? 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Official PFT Scoring Week of June 6 and on June 18

Devil Pup Candidates . . . this week, either Tuesday or Thursday, and again on June 18, we will be performing the official Devil Pup Scoring.  Bring your best attitude and your best performance.  Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Push-ups and a mile run.  Selections for camp will be made after the PFT on the 18th.  Best of luck to all of you!!