SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Update San Diego - News Item about Devil Pups

Supervisor Bill Horn on Update San Diego, San Diego News

Click this link for a YouTube video on the Devil Pup program - a newscast featuring Supervisor Horn of San Diego: 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

30 April 2016- Physical Fitness Training Begins

Physical Fitness Training begins at 7:00 a.m. Saturday, April 30, at the fitness center of Dixie State University.  Corporal Lewis has some exciting exercises and training to get you fit for Devil Pup camp in July.  This training will go for one and one-half or two hours. 

Please keep us posted if you have an address or telephone change.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

26-28 April 2016 - Parent Information Meetings

Devil Pup Candidates:
Parent Information Meetings at the St. George Library
Basement Room B
April 26, 27, 28.  6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Devil Pup Candidates - very important meetings coming up.  If you wish to be considered for 2016 Devil Pup summer camp (July 21 through 30), please bring one or both parents to ONE of these Parent Information Meetings at the St. George Library located at 88 W. 100 South, St. George 6:00-7:30 p.m.  The meetings will be in one of the basement meeting rooms at the library. Corporal Lewis and Col. Toole will be there to answer your questions.  You will learn what forms are needed to apply for summer camp, what the training schedule will be, where the training will be held, the requirements of parents as far as camp is concerned, etc.  This is a crucial meeting - please attend on either date with a parent or guardian.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

28 May 2016 - Rummage Sale at Lin's Market Parking Lot

Save the date!  May 28.  8:00 a.m.  During your Spring Cleaning, please set aside items for a Devil Pups rummage sale on May 28th (the parking lot of the original Lin's Market).  Funds from this project help send successful candidates to summer camp at Camp Pendleton.