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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

27 May 2017 - Devil Pup Rummage Sale

DEVIL PUP CANDIDATES:  It's here this weekend - our annual fund raiser for the Southern Utah Devil Pups program.  Please be at Lin's Market parking lot on Sunset at 7:00 a.m. to help people who will be bringing items for sale and helping with set up.  Assistant LR Les Covey and Jim Haney will be bringing tables from the Elks Lodge to use for set up and sorting of items.  This is a mandatory event for all candidates - if you have work that conflicts, please let either Jan, Les or Bryce know.  The sale will go from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (or noon if we sell out quickly).  Lunch will be provided for Devil Pups and DP Staff.  We will want each of you to be alert to shoppers and also to help them with pricing and loading into their cars if necessary.

This sale has been advertised to all veteran groups, the D.A.R. as well as on Facebook, so we expect a good turnout. 

If you, your family and/or friends have items to donate for our sale, please bring the items when you arrive for set up on Saturday morning at Lin's.  For questions, contact Les or Jan Veltkamp.