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Monday, May 6, 2019

2019 May 11 Devil Pup Rummage Sale

Who:  All Devil Pup Candidates
What:  Devil Pup Rummage Sale
Where:  Parking lot of Lin’s Grocery, corner of Sunset and Dixie Downs in St. George.
When:  0700-1300 Saturday to set up, assist and tear down rummage sale tables

Bring: Water Bottle

SUDP will provide pizza for early lunch
1stSgt. Covey reminds you to:
(1)  Watch the YouTube B&W video of  Sgt. Reckless and
(2)  Watch the YouTube video of  Billy Mills, 1st Lt. USMC 1964 Olympics (can fast forward to last 2-3 laps)
(3)  Report back on three (3) distinctive characteristics of Groucho Marx
(4)  Contact friends, neighbors, relatives and ask if they have any items for our rummage sale