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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Final PFT Info

The final PFT was conducted today, and each pup was given his/her score in private. From now ‘til Friday, the instructors will be discussing and deciding who will go to camp and who will not. 

As has been stated all summer, the criteria are numerous, including PFT score, attendance, integrity, character, initiative, leadership, determination, fortitude, attitude, respect, homework, and conduct, just to name a few. Once the decision is made, there will be absolutely no discussion with pups or parents as to why that decision was made or why or why not a pup was or was not chosen. If a pup does not make the cut, they are welcome and encouraged to continue to attend the trainings in support of the group while working on their own fitness.

Thursday will be a regular training day. Saturday we will have a quick workout and then we will have a ceremony at 7a.m. announcing which candidates were chosen to go to Devil Pups Camp in California, as well as acknowledging those who were not chosen, but committed to the full summer training program. Parents are welcome to attend.