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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Send Photos!

Here is the link for the beginning of our 2021 photo album for Southern Utah Devil Pups.  Please upload any photos you already have so far, and keep adding.  I will eventually rearrange them, and after camp is over I will create a photo book that can be ordered from this site.  There is a plus sign at the top of the album to aid in uploading. 

If you prefer, just forward your photos to me, either thru text at 925-216-8741 or to my e-mail address dtoole at sunrivertoday dot com.  (You know how to translate that address.) I'll add them to the site.

Sgt. Billion plans to attend camp as an observer this year and we are hopeful he can send photos so you might see some of your teens in action.  


If this site requires a sign-in, just sign up - as far as I know, it's still free and a great place to store photos.