SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Save the Date - and LET ME KNOW!

Devil Pups and Eagles:  Now's the time to put August 24th on your calendars for our Awards Night.  6:30 p.m. at Dixie High School in the common area.

So the Pizza Factory knows how many pizzas to build and bread sticks to bake, please send me an e-mail at and let me know how many from your family will attend.  Also, let me know if any family members are under the age of 5.

The cost for the meal will be $9 per person.  ($2 for under 5)  Pizza Factory always blesses us with a special "Devil Pup" cost and it includes tip.  Since we will need to make just one payment to Pizza Factory, you will need to pay our cashier as you arrive at Awards Night.  We will be set up to accept cash, as close to your total as you possibly can.  It's a little clunky, but it needs to be done this way.  

School instructors' meals will be comp'd.

I will be nagging you until I know who all, and how many, will be attending Awards Night, so please respond asap!! 

Post Your Photos of Devil Pups

Here's the link for our 2022 Devil Pup photos:


Post your photos so we can all enjoy!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Three Awesome Eagles


Josef Bornhoeft, Dominick Alamares and Osmar Vasquez
2022 Southern  Utah Devil Pup Eagles

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Save the Date - August 24

SUDP 2022 Awards Night has been set for August 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the common area of Dixie High School.  Pizza Factory is catering.  Dinner will cost $9 per person with children under 5 at $2 each.  Pizza Factory requires one payment from SUDP so we need everyone to bring the right amount of money for your family.  Cash is preferred.  We will have a cashier at the door.  Also included will be a raffle table, and a cookie table by The Blessed Cookie as you leave.  

We will keep the program short since it will be a school night.  We'll start once the Devil Pups have been fed but the rest of you can continue eating as we start.  It will take a little longer this year with more than our usual number of Devil Pups - plus three Eagles.

We hope to see you there for a special time celebrating the accomplishment of this year's awesome bunch of Devil Pups. 

Devil Pups, please come in your Devil Pup uniform.  See photo below.  Eagles, please wear your Eagle uniforms, too.

2015 Awards Night

Sunday, July 24, 2022

2022 SUDP Graduates

 Missing one pup who showed up late for photos.
I'll post more photos from Nikki or one of the parents.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 6


21 Jul 2022 - Atop Ole Smokey - Last Challenge

Day 5

Wednesday, Day 5. One of the newest additions to the schedule of events is the Combat Convoy Simulator. This is the closest the kids get to gaming while they are here. No cell phones. No social media. Just good old fashioned face to face interaction with other human beings. What a concept. 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Day 4

 Day 4 involved:

Day 4 was full of physical exertion from starting the day with PT then on to the Obstacle Course and the Pool Jump...always a favorite...and a couple more role model speakers. 

Day 5 is the ultimate challenge - climbing Ole Smokey.

Looking forward to seeing all of you Saturday at Graduation - be sure to meet the shuttle in time to get into Camp Pendleton.  It'll be sunny - around 79-80 degrees.  Maybe we St. Georgians will actually be chilly!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Photos at Graduation

Parents, graduation is coming up in just a few days.  Please remember that all pups are to meet wherever Sgt. Billion directs immediately after graduation for SUDP photos.  We need some awesome group photos as well as individual family groupings.

I would like to encourage all parents to take photos that they can send to me as I will be working on a coffee table book after graduation.  And we will share them on our Devil Pups Shutterfly 2022 album.


Monday, July 18, 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

Leaving for our Las Vegas Connection

Parent Drivers: All who agreed to drive to Vegas tomorrow as primary or alternate drivers, meet at Washington Rec Center (same as usual) at 0500 a.m. with a full tank of gas (and earplugs since you'll be driving a carload of excited teens). We will then figure out which drivers we need and who will drive with whom. Thank you all for all you do! (Pups when you see this, show your parents.)

All pups wear your departure uniform, bring your boots, and be sure to bring anything else you need to put in your bag. 

Departure Uniform

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Alternate Drivers Needed

These are the parents I have who have volunteered to drive to Vegas at 5 a.m. on the 16th. Thank you! I'd like to get one or two more who will volunteer to be alternates in case something comes up, either before then, or worst case, that morning. It is super important that we have drivers ready just in case we need them. I can't emphasize the importance of this carpool. Can I get some more parents who would be willing and ready to go that morning, just in case? Thank you!  Sgt. Billion

Halli Cox, Kaedon's Mom – 4

Billion, 3 plus Nikki

Summer Hanks, 12

Michelle Durham, Kenny Nelson's mom, 3 plus Kenny

Ariano's mom, 4

Eli's Grandma, 4


Parent Contact List

The PARENT CONTACT LIST will be published today.  Please check your e-mail this evening.  And be sure to let me know if any changes need to be made. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


All family and friends are welcome at Devil Pup graduation - just need to be at the shuttle at Mance Buchanon Park to catch one of the buses into the base.  

Here's a photo from 2008 when we were at the same parade ground.  Remember sunscreen or hats.  It's usually warm and sunny.

Graduation is at 12 noon sharp - remember it is 12 noon California time, not Utah time.

Eagles will be acting as guides and will have a list of what platoon  your pup is in and therefore where it would be best for you to sit.  Look for an eagle in a blue t-shirt and give him/her your pup's name.  While there are usually platoons 1 thru 6-8 (however many they will have this year), they are not always lined up that way because the platoon with highest honors gets to be first in formation.

PLEASE do not forget that we want photos immediately after graduation.  If pups don't meet with Sgt. Billion after graduation, they won't be in photos that we will want to publish.  Pups often want a photo with their platoon leaders.  We usually will take photos of you as a family with your pup - a treasure for sure!!  

Packing Instructions

If you have no insurance, just write "no insurance." 

Leave out one pair of jeans, belt, undies, socks, athletic shoes, sweatshirt, and white T-shirt. They will count for your packing list, but you will wear them as the Departure/Arrival uniform when we meet at 0500 on the 16th at the usual place and depart from there shortly after. 

Boys will be issued swim trunks. All will be issued athletic shorts and shirts. 

Call TODAY to schedule your physical. Get Physical form STAMPED!

Stamped envelopes, and $35 envelope goes in your bag. EVERYTHING must fit in the bag. Give Sgt. Billion $100 in an envelope with your name on it Thursday if you haven't already. 

Thank you!  Sgt. Billion


Monday, July 4, 2022

Date of Graduation for SoUtah Devil Pups - July 23

Clarification on graduation date.  Date is July 23rd at noon at Camp Pendleton, California.  The attachment in the SRB package found after Sgt. Billion's letter was included for information about graduation, but the dates were published after the initial camp dates were announced.  Due to changes at Camp Pendleton, the increment dates were changed after most DP printing was complete.

Please be assured our graduation date is July 23, not July 30 as DP HQ originally announced.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Parent Contact List

Parents:  Please take a look at the draft of the Parent Contact List I sent out today (Saturday 7/2) and let me know if your info is correct or incorrect.  I will make all corrections and get the final draft back to you by next Friday, July 8th.  

If you haven't read the letter Billion included in the SRBs, please do so - there are attachments with camp instructions.  Don't miss those instructions.  E-Mail me with questions.

sudevilpups at gmail dot com 


 Copying this post:

For all of you who are now ON YOUR WAY to 2022 Devil Pup summer camp, this is for you.  If you do not already have hiking boots for Devil Pup camp, now would be a good time to get them and get them broken in.  Here is a photo of a boot that is a good camp boot – you will need protection for ankles with all the activities at camp. Watch for sales at Big 5 - do not buy heavy (combat-type) boots that won't "breathe." These boots will get a lot of wear at camp. Wear them every day for two or three hours to break them in.  

As for the rest of your packing, please see this list on the Devil Pup website. 

Awesome News!

Congratulations to all of our awesome 28 Devil Pup applicants who qualified to be sent to camp at Camp Pendleton July 17-23.  We were able to pick up unfilled slots from other regions and are super excited about sending so many eligible applicants.

PARENTS:  Get those hotel reservations made in the Oceanside area!!!

How Do We Donate to Southern Utah Devil Pups

For donors who wish to support our Southern Utah Devil Pup program, here are the steps:

(1)    Make check payable to DEVIL PUPS, INC.

(2)    Send check to

        Donna Toole, 1760 Amethyst Garden Circle, St. George, UT  84790

I will post the donation to our account to make sure this region is credited and forward the check to Devil Pup HQ for recording.  After camp is over and I have photos, I will send a receipt/thank you letter and include a photo of the current pups you have helped to support attain their citizenship and leadership goals.  

Devil Pups is a 501c3 organization; tax identification number is 95-6067317.

We are working on a digital donation solution and will let you know when it is available.