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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Next Devil Pup Fund Raiser

Attention all Devil Pups:

We have been given an opportunity to increase our income for this year’s program.  We’ll be joining forces with the Explorer Scouts for an additional car wash income opportunity.  The date is Saturday, June 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  Here’s your chance to show your interest in the program by selling car wash tickets to friends and neighbors.  For those who haven’t yet reached your goal, sell, sell, sell.  This should be easier than finding odd jobs to earn the rest of your $100.

A make-up PFT is scheduled for June 22nd.  It will begin at 7:30 a.m.  You must attend this PFT to have two good tests prior to camp, or make special arrangements with Col. Toole if you have a conflict on 6/22.  We may have an additional car wash if your fund production is lagging behind.

You have been sent another sheet of tickets for the June 8th car wash.  As before, print it and cut the tickets apart.  Print and sell as many as you can.  One of our grants for Devil Pups was not funded this year, so we need to work hard so all qualifying pup candidates can attend camp this summer.  Bring the funds you've raised to the car wash in an envelope - put your name and the amount sold on the outside of the envelope so you get proper credit.