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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Next Devil Pup Fund Raiser

Attention all Devil Pups:

We have been given an opportunity to increase our income for this year’s program.  We’ll be joining forces with the Explorer Scouts for an additional car wash income opportunity.  The date is Saturday, June 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  Here’s your chance to show your interest in the program by selling car wash tickets to friends and neighbors.  For those who haven’t yet reached your goal, sell, sell, sell.  This should be easier than finding odd jobs to earn the rest of your $100.

A make-up PFT is scheduled for June 22nd.  It will begin at 7:30 a.m.  You must attend this PFT to have two good tests prior to camp, or make special arrangements with Col. Toole if you have a conflict on 6/22.  We may have an additional car wash if your fund production is lagging behind.

You have been sent another sheet of tickets for the June 8th car wash.  As before, print it and cut the tickets apart.  Print and sell as many as you can.  One of our grants for Devil Pups was not funded this year, so we need to work hard so all qualifying pup candidates can attend camp this summer.  Bring the funds you've raised to the car wash in an envelope - put your name and the amount sold on the outside of the envelope so you get proper credit.

Monday, May 20, 2013

PFT #2 and Car Wash

PFT #2 is scheduled for May 25 at 7:30 a.m.  750 S. 5300 West, Hurricane (Sheriff's Facility).  Please note the difference in time - trying to beat the heat by starting earlier.  Immediately following the PFT, Pup candidates will be fed breakfast and transported to the car wash at Hilltop on the Boulevard.  Be sure to come to the PFT and car wash with your envelope of cash/checks that you obtained by selling the car wash tickets that we have already sent to you via e-mail.  Print as many pages of tickets as you can sell and invite friends, family to come to the car wash. 

Even if you attended the first PFT and want a chance to go to Devil Pup camp this summer, you must attend this PFT as well as the following "make up" PFT in June.  In other words, you will need TWO full PFT scores to be eligible for Devil Pup Camp selection.  


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Devil Pup candidates:  Be watching your e-mail for car wash tickets which you will need to sell to friends and neighbors for the upcoming car wash on May 25th, immediately after the PFT test.  The tickets will need to be sold and the proceeds brought in a sealed envelope to the car wash, with your name and the amount of money noted on the outside of the envelope.  (Be sure to put your name and amount on the outside of the envelope so YOU will get credit for selling those tickets.)

The tickets will be on a sheet –five to a page.  The money you make by selling these tickets will count toward the $100 you will need to earn toward your camp experience.  If you sell all five tickets for $8 each, you will already have already earned $40.  If you print and sell two pages of tickets, you will already have $80 and be almost done with your $100 commitment.

All you need to do when the tickets arrive is click on the attachment, print out one or two sheets of tickets, cut them apart and begin selling.  If anyone tells you they won’t be available for the car wash, they can still make a donation of any size toward your camp experience.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Devil Pup Candidates - set aside Saturday morning May 25 at 8:30 a.m. for the next Devil Pup PFT, to be followed by a car wash from 10:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. We will be issuing 10 tickets to each pup candidate that you will need to sell to family, friends and neighbors for this car wash.  This will count towards the $100 that each pup candidate needs to raise for this summer camp.   Car washes will cost $7 and trucks will be $9.  After the PFT, you will be provided with a breakfast and then everyone will head to Hilltop Car Wash facility off of St. George Boulevard, near the "Denny's on the Hill." 

Family, friends and neighbors may not be able to bring their cars to the car wash on the 25th.  That's OK; they can still make the donation. This is a major fund raiser for SoUtah Devil Pups, so be thinking about people who will help us out by purchasing a ticket. 

As you already know, each candidate must complete two PFTs.  If you have not already been tested at the first PFT in April, then you will need to be at this one for sure, as well as the make-up PFT on June 22nd.  Please get those dates on your calendars now.