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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Important SRB Information

Devil Pup Candidates and Parents:

Please be advised that you CAN fill out the SRB forms for the manila SRB jacket IF YOU HAVE THE GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER.  The SRB paperwork must be filled out completely.  Sgt. Johnston will be reviewing these with you on Tuesday morning, so bring your jackets with you.

Help Support Devil Pups, Inc. When You Shop

If you shop on Amazon, please consider Amazon Smile. When people shop on Amazon they add the word “smile” with a “.” before the website name and it then asks them to choose an organization to support. For every qualifying purchase, a percentage is sent directly to Devil Pups. 

Additional Info on Camp Requirements

Additional Must’s for the Encampment from Devil Pups, Inc.

- Male & Female encampment arrival uniforms are the same (Dark Blue jeans, plain white t-shirt, plain belt and running shoes)
- Girls must bring a one piece modest black/blue bathing suit
- Girls must bring their own feminine hygiene supplies
- No jewelry of any kind
- No electronics of any kind including cell phones, MP3 players, etc.
- Female Pups must arrive with hair in bun held back with gel, hair ties, bobby pins, to adhere to the grooming standards set forth by the instructors.
- Males- Will receive a military haircut
- No playing cards or other forms of entertainment

PLEASE NOTE THAT OTHER THAN AT GRADUATION,  NO media is allowed on base prior to or at Ole Smokey. The base is very specific about picture and video taking while on base.  Do not take photos other than at the graduation ceremony.

Devil Pups, Inc. has received a waiver for both graduations only. Those attending need only tell the Marines at the San Onofre Gate at Basilone Road off the 5 Freeway that they are there for the Devil Pups graduation and the name of the graduating Pup. They will also need to provide a driver’s license/VISA/Passport for each adult in the car plus proof of registration and proof of insurance to be allowed to enter. Our waiver is in the form of a Marine Sergeant who stands at the gate verifying each guest. **All those with a valid military ID are exempt from this requirement.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

What About the $100??

One of the requirements for Devil Pup candidates headed for summer camp in July is to earn $100 towards their camp experience.  The local Detachment of the Marine Corps League has individual members who have odd jobs that will help you earn your $100.  You have from now to camp departure time to raise the money.  If you need help with finding jobs, please let Sgt. Covey or Sgt. Johnston know.  The local D.A.R. is also providing support, so this is an easy requirement. 

Saturday, June 22, 2019


2019 Devil Pup Summer Camp Winners:

In alphabetical order:
Alamares, Dominick
Arvig, Joshua
Eagar, Christopher
Gomm, Ezekial
Jauregui, Brian
Jevne, Jake
Krafczek, Caryn
Lanter, Sarah
Mickleson, Jaydon
Stock, Benjamin
Congratulations!  Your hard work has paid off.

Watch for more information coming soon!  Parents, it's time to make your reservations near Camp Pendleton so you can attend graduation. 

Hiking Boots for Devil Pup Camp

If you do not already have hiking books for Devil Pup camp, now would be a good time to get them and get them broken in.  Here is a photo of a boot that is a good camp boot – you will need protection for ankles with all the activities at camp. Watch for sales at Big 5 - don't buy heavy (combat-type) boots that won't "breathe" - they will get a lot of wear at camp. Wear them every day for two or three hours to break them in.  
As for the rest of your packing, please see this list on the Devil Pup website.

Friday, June 21, 2019

What are SRBs???

What are SRB's?  They are Service Record Books, folders with a lot of forms to fill out for camp personnel, giving them everything they need should it become necessary during camp.  These will be inspected immediately upon arrival at Camp Pendleton - the Marines are pretty picky, so get it right!!  Sgts. Les and Billion can help with questions and will gather them as they are completed. Each pup candidate will be handed his/her SRB when arriving at Camp Pendleton to turn in during registration.  Make sure they are NEAT and complete.

Once camp is over and the pups have graduated, the folders are shredded.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Final PFT Info

The final PFT was conducted today, and each pup was given his/her score in private. From now ‘til Friday, the instructors will be discussing and deciding who will go to camp and who will not. 

As has been stated all summer, the criteria are numerous, including PFT score, attendance, integrity, character, initiative, leadership, determination, fortitude, attitude, respect, homework, and conduct, just to name a few. Once the decision is made, there will be absolutely no discussion with pups or parents as to why that decision was made or why or why not a pup was or was not chosen. If a pup does not make the cut, they are welcome and encouraged to continue to attend the trainings in support of the group while working on their own fitness.

Thursday will be a regular training day. Saturday we will have a quick workout and then we will have a ceremony at 7a.m. announcing which candidates were chosen to go to Devil Pups Camp in California, as well as acknowledging those who were not chosen, but committed to the full summer training program. Parents are welcome to attend.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Final PFT Tuesday, June 18

Tuesday is the final PFT! Rest up, eat well, and hydrate Sunday and Monday. Be prepared to give it your all.

There will be a ceremony on Saturday (6/22) announcing who was chosen to go to camp. Those who are not chosen to go to camp will receive an award, a certificate of completion, and an invitation to attend next year's training and try again. Those who are chosen will get nothing on Saturday, but will be unforgettably rewarded at the top of Ol' Smokey should they prevail throughout camp.

To clarify, we will have training Thursday, and Saturday before the ceremony.

Don't be concerned with anything other than showing up Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and doing your best. After the ceremony we will go into more detail about the next phase. DPNQ!