SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail

Friday, July 30, 2021

Congratulations 2021 Devil Pups

All nine Southern Utah Devil Pups finished the course and received their Devil Pup challenge coins.  Congratulations!

Newest Southern Utah Devil Pups:

Adilyn Adams

Andrew Barnum

Joey Blevins

Josef Bornhoeft

Tommi Chau, Top 10% Award

Ethan Hanks

Rayden Riddle, Spirit Award Winner

Isaac Stover, Perfect PFT Score Award

Osmar Vasquez

Once again, Southern Utah comes home loaded with awards.  Thank you, Sgt. Billion!


2021 Southern Utah Devil Pups!  

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Marine Corps League Breakfast

To Pups and parents:

Please report to the Elks Club (630 W 1250 N, St. George, UT 84770) on Saturday the 14th at 0830 in Devil Pups Uniform, with parents, for recognition by, and introduction to, the Marine Corps League which generously provides financial support to the Devil Pups Program and takes a keen interest in the pups' future success. It will take less than one hour.  

I will sharply march the Pups in and they will likely each be asked what they liked the most and least about Devil Pups Camp and Training, so prepare some answers.  Some awards will be given.  Everyone is expected to attend this important meeting.  If unable, please advise.

Thank you,  Sgt Billion 

2018 Thank You Tour - Marine Corps League Breakfast

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Monday, July 19, 2021

Sunday, 7/18

Ready to head out for 2021 Devil Pup summer camp!!

Checking in

Bag check

Hurry Up - and Wait!


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Southern Utah Devil Pups Arrived at Camp

Sgt. Billion reports that the pups have been checked in at Camp Pendleton for a week of Devil Pup camp beginning tomorrow morning.  Exciting times for these teens.  

2010 Devil Pup Camp Bag Check

Graduation Map and Info


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Sugar Cookies - a Specialty of Devil Pups!



If you shop on Amazon, please consider Amazon Smile. When people shop on Amazon they add the word “smile” with a “.” before the website name and it then asks them to choose an organization to support. For every qualifying purchase, a percentage is sent directly to Devil Pups. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Almost Ready for Camp

Pup Candidates and Parents:  I'm sending to you a Contact List for emergency use when traveling to Camp Pendleton.  By now you should all have a copy of the directions for meeting the shuttle to get into the base.  But I will send another copy via e-mail.

Please note that immediately after the graduation ceremony, we require that all Devil Pups meet Sgt. Billion at a designated spot across the parade field from the stands for pictures.  Parents are invited to meet their pups there and participate in photos.  Then you are free to go.

We are also requesting that each pup notify Sgt. Billion when he/she is leaving with parents so we make sure we leave no one behind and that everyone is safely reunited with family members.

I will be sending this message twice, once from gmail and once from my SunRiver address.  If you cannot open the PDF Contact List, please let me know so I can get it to you in a different format.

Donna Toole

Monday, July 12, 2021

2021 Packing List

 Pup Candidates and Parents:

Here is a link to the Devil Pups website showing the packing list.  Since this year has been impacted by Covid restrictions and this 2021 camp is shorter in duration, please note that 7 pair of underwear and sox are all that's required for this year.


Please wear the white T-shirt, jeans (not skinny jeans), a belt and tennis shoes at departure.  I'm attaching photos of a prior group of SoUtah Devil Pups.  One photo shows tennis shoes on one pup, while the second photo is of pups after check-in with sea bags (which each pup gets after a transfer from your bags is done).  Your bags will be locked up for duration of the camp and you will use these sea bags during camp.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Tuesday Practice - 13 July

In addition to the bag check on Tuesday, which you should already have all the details about, we will be making Sugar Cookies.  It will be delicious!

As we discussed this morning during training, you will need to show up in your boots and jeans, and bring all of your PT gear, a trash bag, and a towel.  Also, for those of you who said you had, please bring a 5 gallon bucket(s) that is fairly clean on the inside.  That is all.

Sgt. Billion

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Upcoming Dates - Pack for 2021 Devil Pup Camp

We will have the Packing list check on Tuesday, July 13th, 0545.  


Bring your bag packed with everything that is going to camp as listed in the packing list.  

Use a masking tape or duct tape strip (something that will be sure to stick) with your name printed in black marker.  Put one strip on each side of your bag so it can be seen easily no matter how stacked in a pile of bags after graduation.

Buy whatever you need before then.  We want to make sure everybody has everything.  Then go home and do not touch your bag.  We will have a final packing list check on Thursday, July 15, 0545, right after the PFT.  We will keep your bags for you and we will bring them to you Sunday morning.  At that time, you should not need to take anything out of your bag or put anything in your bag.

Final PFT July 15th!   Until then, Eat, Sleep, Breath, Dream, Visualize and Believe in a Personal Best PFT Score.  Then commit to crush that score at Camp.

Drill and Guidon Practice on Saturday, July 17th.  Boots, jeans, white T-shirt (NO logo) and plain belt.  Same clothes you will wear in the van on the way to Camp Pendleton the next morning.  (Except for the shirt.  Put on a clean shirt after you shower and put on deodorant before the Sunday morning van ride.)  It is advised to wear a hoodie, if not for an a/c ride to Camp Pendleton, at least for those chilly oceanside mornings at camp.  It's not St. George weather by the ocean.  Some former Devil Pups even used them to sleep in.

Meet for departure to Camp Pendleton, dressed according to instructions, on Sunday, July 18th, 0545.  Washington Elementary, same place as usual. Bring water and snacks.  We will stop for breakfast.


Attention 2021 Devil Pup Candidates

Each pup attending camp needs to make $100 toward their camp fee.  1st Sgt Les needs 5 pups to work 2 half days, early mornings, four hours each day, $50 each day.  Monday, Wednesday or Friday.  

Contact Les at 562.477.0556  ASAP

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Graduation Information for 2021 Devil Pups

This year is completely different for Devil Pup Graduation due to Camp Pendleton's Covid precautions.  Parents, relatives, friends will need to meet at a location outside of Camp Pendleton to be bused into the 11 Area Parade Grounds for the graduation ceremony.  Please see map link below for more information.