SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Marine Corps League Breakfast

To Pups and parents:

Please report to the Elks Club (630 W 1250 N, St. George, UT 84770) on Saturday the 14th at 0830 in Devil Pups Uniform, with parents, for recognition by, and introduction to, the Marine Corps League which generously provides financial support to the Devil Pups Program and takes a keen interest in the pups' future success. It will take less than one hour.  

I will sharply march the Pups in and they will likely each be asked what they liked the most and least about Devil Pups Camp and Training, so prepare some answers.  Some awards will be given.  Everyone is expected to attend this important meeting.  If unable, please advise.

Thank you,  Sgt Billion 

2018 Thank You Tour - Marine Corps League Breakfast