Workouts will be starting three days a week starting Tuesday the 31st and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until camp starts. Same time; same place.

Devil Pups is a non-profit organization designed to help teens 14-17 from all backgrounds gain self-confidence and learn to take responsibility for their actions. People wonder “Why the name Devil Pups?” The term “Devil Dogs” was used by German soldiers to describe Marines fighting in World War I. The Marines who organized this youth citizenship program chose the term “Devil Pups” to describe the quality of teen who can complete this program.
SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail
Saturday, May 28, 2022
GOOD NEWS - More Training!!
Workouts will be starting three days a week starting Tuesday the 31st and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until camp starts. Same time; same place.
Support Devil Pups thru Amazon Smile
Did you know you can support Devil Pups, Inc. when you shop at Amazon?
Here is a link to help you sign up:
Friday, May 27, 2022
Thursday, May 19, 2022
New Cut Ceremony Date
Pup Candidates and Parents: As you already know, the camp date has been moved up to the week of 17 July to 23 July - leaving on Saturday the 16th for the trip to California.
Accordingly, the Cut Ceremony date has also been moved up to July 2 instead of July 9. This date has been changed on the blog.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Pup Candidates: Please note that our webpage (the Southern Utah blog) address is at the bottom of every e-mail I send out. If you have deleted my e-mails and no longer have the address, please go to THE BLOG and bookmark it for quick future use.
If you don't know how to bookmark, or add to favorites, on your cell phone, please go to Google and research "how do I bookmark a website on my phone." You can change "phone" to your particular phone - IPhone, Android, etc. Follow the instructions so that in the future just a couple taps and you'll reach the SUDevilPups blog.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Devil Pup Update – NEW CAMP DATES
This announcement of new dates for 2022 Devil Pup summer camp just came down from Devil Pup headquarters. Please note the new camp dates.
Devil Pups 2022 will consist of a 7-day training, with a half day prior to prepare. Each increment will commence on a Sunday, and graduate on the following Saturday.
1st Increment: 9-16 July 2022
2nd increment: 16-23 July 2022 (This is our increment.)
The following info will be of interest to the families of Southern Utah applicants who are chosen to go to camp this year.
All Pups are requested to arrive between 1500-1800 SATURDAY (July 9 & July 16). (SU Devil Pups will be bused to Camp Pendleton on July 16.)
Our training plan is to in-process, have dinner, and allow the kids a good night’s rest before we begin training the following day (highlighted by the Leaders Reaction Course, an event that hasn't been approved the past four years).
We will be billeted in the 14-Area, the same area as last year. What specific barracks building has yet to be determined, so please stay tuned. We will again enjoy graduations at the 11-Area - same as last year. We will again organize and execute bus shuttles for family and guests to and from graduation. Like last year, the rally point is Mance Buchannon Park.
Unlike last year, and due to reduced staff, we will ask parents of Eagles serving 1st increment, to pick up their Eagle, following 1st increment graduation, at Mance Buchannon Park, via the existing bus shuttles returning parents and guests back to their vehicles following the graduation.
Eagles serving only 2nd increment will report to Mance Buchannon Park between 1000 and 1130 in order to be transported (with luggage) to the graduation site on Saturday 16 July. These Eagles will travel with parents and guests attending the 1st increment graduation.
Following the 2nd increment graduation, 2nd increment Eagles (and those serving both increments) will return to their parent/guardian via the bus shuttle. The same bus shuttle returning family and guests to their vehicles located at Mance Buchannon Park.
FYI - The Eagle application has been updated on the website and reflects the new dates of service, rally points, and direction to Mance Buchannon Park.
Friday, May 6, 2022
Paperwork for DP
Those of you who are beginning training tomorrow have already filled out the four pages necessary at this point. There will be 18 pages of personal information for those who are selected this year to go to Camp Pendleton in July. It's a camp requirement. Those 18 pages will be entered in a certain order in a folder (called an SRB - Service Record Book) that is handed in at arrival at camp.
If you've been wondering, be assured that as soon as camp is over, all those papers are shredded. I also have copies and my copies are shredded, also. I do keep my distribution e-mail lists in case of a reunion at some point, but all personal info is destroyed right after camp.
Monday, May 2, 2022
SUDP Training Begins May 7
White t-shirt and shorts; no tight skinny shorts - wear something easy to move in.
Water container - not plastic water bottle. Work on pull-ups!
Check the blog for info on training site address and parking. Text Sgt. Billion your reason for not attending - 435-215-6615.