Devil Pups is a non-profit organization designed to help teens 14-17 from all backgrounds gain self-confidence and learn to take responsibility for their actions. People wonder “Why the name Devil Pups?” The term “Devil Dogs” was used by German soldiers to describe Marines fighting in World War I. The Marines who organized this youth citizenship program chose the term “Devil Pups” to describe the quality of teen who can complete this program.
SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
If you are interested in learning more about the Devil Pup program and this year's summer camp, Col. Toole, Steve Handy and Jim Haney will be at the library in St. George tonight. Conference Rooms A & B in basement 88 W. 100 South. No reservations needed - just show up at 6:00 p.m. Parents and Pup Candidates can get their questions answered. If you haven't yet completed application papers, please bring them with you to the meeting. There will be a second meeting tomorrow night for those who could not attend tonight.