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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Last Week of Physical Fitness Training

Devil Pups, we are getting close to camp time!!!  Next Thursday and Saturday (16th and 18th), 7:00 a.m. at Dixie State University are the final group training sessions.  You have obviously been working on your own and your scores are showing this work ethic.  Kudos to all of you!! 

We'll be sending out information this coming week - extra copies of camp directions, Parent Contact Charts, reminders of various things, so be on the look-out.  You should have your hotel reservations for graduation weekend by now and definitely should have your cameras charged up.  We will, of course, be taking tons of photos and posting them on the blog to share with friends and family.  We have also been promised photos of actual camp time, but they will not be available for some time after camp is over.