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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Departure for Devil Pup Camp

Devil Pups, get as much rest as you can on Wednesday, July 20, because between that night and Thursday morning at O-Dark-Thirty, you will need to meet Bryce for departure for Devil Pup camp.  You will drive all night to arrive at camp around 8:30 a.m. in California and it's non-stop all day.  There will likely only be cat naps on the van, so get what rest you can on Wednesday.  You will not have rest until the first day of camp is over Thursday evening.  You will have Marines yelling in your ears the moment you arrive!

Be aware of any night time roadwork happening on your route to the theaters on Main Street - we almost left without a late pup one year.  Be sure to wear a plain white T-shirt, jeans (did you get the message about "NO skinny jeans"????), belt, tennies and have your hoodie with you for comfort on the van.  It'll be OK to bring snacks, water, etc. (although there will be stops along the way) but anything left over will have to remain on the van.  There will be a breakfast stop which SoUtah Devil Pups pays for.

Remember if you want to take a cell phone, it will be locked up in your locker for the 10 day camp period.  Best not to take a cell.  No medications are allowed; don't even take aspirin.

Also please learn from Pups from years past:
Remember sunscreen; it is often forgotten but is VERY necessary.
Go over your ready bag/duffle two or three times to make sure you have everything on the required list.

Duct tape with your last name on it on the sides and inside the bag.
Your padlock, envelopes, etc.  Make sure you have your envelope with your money folded in your left back pocket.

We leave on Thursday 21 July at 0200 (that's 2:00 o'clock in the morning) (time to be verified at a later date) at the parking lot of the movie theater on Main Street (Megaplex Theaters at 905 So. Main).  That's across the street behind the K-Mart shopping center. 

Upon arrival at camp, be prepared to be yelled at, told to run here, run there - do what they say as fast as you can!!!  You WILL be asked to "speak up."