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Monday, July 31, 2017

Congratulations, Devil Pup Graduates

We graduated another 10 Devil Pups this past weekend.  Attached is a video clip of the Pups marching onto parade ground. There is a little wind noise - very windy day at Camp Pendleton. 

Not only did we have 10 Pups graduate, Alena Lorentzen captured one of the few PFT awards.  They must score a perfect 400 to earn this award. 
Alena is second from left in the front row.  I asked them to remove their caps so we could see their buzz cuts, but some of the guys must have felt chilly!!!

A new Individual Award was added to the Devil Pup Graduation Ceremony this year.  It's called "The Colonel Bill Toole Award" and is presented for demonstration of extraordinary persistence and includes a $200 cash gift.

Congratulations to all ten of you!  See you at Awards Night (details to follow).