SUDevilPup Contact E-Mail

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Looking for

If you would like to train to become a part of the Southern Utah Devil Pup staff in the coordinator position, we are looking for someone with organizational and secretarial skills to organize each season’s summer camp experience for this Southern Utah youth citizenship program.  It would involve observation and training through the 2023 program, moving into Assistant Coordinator in the 2024 season.  The program is extremely rewarding and all volunteer.  It takes approximately five months of the year in a part-time capacity and needs to be someone with great people skills, good decision making skills, good grammar and writing skills, organizational skills, website hosting and event planning capabilities as well as communication skills, working with the training staff, parents and youth.  Please contact Donna Toole at sudevilpups (at) proton (dot) me for more information.